Thursday, January 5, 2012

iPhone Keyboard Tips And Tricks

Every time that you have a new technology it requires you to learn how to use it. However, this can sometimes be extremely difficult, especially when there aren't very many resources to help you learn new techniques. A great example of this is with the new Apple iPhone. When you first purchase an iPhone, than you have probably spent many hours getting familiar with the various technologies that are inside this amazing cell phone, however, there are some tips that aren't learned by simply playing around with the phone. In order to learn about these tips, than you must first learn them, and one of the best tips concerns the keyboard.

When you have such a unique feature as the touch screen keyboard, than there are several tips that you must know in order to keep your messages flowing. When you follow these tips than you will be able to type quicker and error free, as well as being able to type easier than ever before. The first of these tips concerns actually typing the letters into the iPhone. When you want to enter a letter, you tap on it; however, the letter isn't placed onto the screen until you lift your finger off of it.

Thus, if you touch the wrong key than you can simply fix this error by sliding your finger to the correct letter. Then when you have found the right letter or number, you can lift your finger and the letter will be placed onto the screen. This tip helps fix the majority of errors, and will save your time.

Many people have found that the auto-correction feature within the keyboard is a great way to keep your writing clear and easy. However, it is very easy to accept a word that you didn't want to type. If you want to steer clear from this confusion than you need to learn how to accept and reject a suggested word. When you want to accept a word than you will want to tap either return, space or tap a punctuation mark. However, if you want to reject a suggested word, than you will simply want to finish typing the word you want and then you will have to tap the completed word.

A reminder, if you write a full word out two different times, and then tap on them both times, the iPhone will actually add the word to its dictionary. It takes a couple of weeks to store all of your most used words into the dictionary, however, once you have done this typing on your iPhone will be extremely fast.

The last tip has to deal with the capitalization of words. If you want to capitalize the first letter of a word, you simply tap the shift key and then tap the letter you want capitalized, but what happens when you want to capitalize the entire word? This is very easy, and doesn't require you to tap the shift key before each letter. You will want to go to settings and then tap general after that tap keyboard. From there you will tap "Enable Caps Lock," and then when you double tap the shift key it will light up blue, and now you will be able to type in all caps.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Protect Your iPhone With InvisibleSHIELD

When you have an iPhone you regard it more than simply your cell phone. This amazing electronic device is literally connecting individuals to the outside world through more than mere vocal communications. You are able to check your e-mail and stay connected to your Internet Social Networking sites, as well as having access to a speedy QWERTY keyboard, which makes text messaging a breeze. However, it is within the various applications that you can install within your iPhone that truly makes it a one-of-a-kind device. iPhone owners respect their iPhone and think of it as a way to keep you entertained, connected and informed.

Of course, iPhones are not a cheap electronic device. In some cases individuals have paid more than six-hundred dollars for this cell phone when it first came onto the market. When you have made an investment into a product that is of this caliber, you want to protect it from the elements. However, buying an iPhone case is simply not going to provide you with ample protection. Out of any type of electronic device, you want to protect the most vulnerable part of the machine, and in this case, it is the touch screen. This touch screen is your link to your cell phone, music and internet, so if it becomes damaged, you will not be enjoying your iPhone for very long.

This is why there are many companies that have established products which are dedicated to protecting the iPhone's touch screen. However, one of the most popular screen protectors is the iPhone invisibleSHIELD by Shield Zone. This amazing product provides your iPhone with superior protection that will keep not only scratches from forming on the sensitive touch screen, but also it will keep your iPhone from becoming seriously damaged by objects.

The origins of the invisibleSHIELD come from the military where it was originally used to protect their helicopter blades from rocks and other items. The cool part is, the same technology has been applied to the invisibleSHIELD iPhone protector. You are now able to carry around your iPhone, without having to worry about scratching the surface, or even bumping it against the table.

When you have a product, such as the iPhone, you are literally streamlining all of your major portable electronics into one single product. This is why so many people take such care and pride in their iPhone. However, if you are like most people, than you use your iPhone on a regular basis, thus making the wear and tear possibilities extremely high, and while cases are a great way to protect your investment, they can be bulky and many users actually stop using the cases after a period of time.

With the invisibleSHIELD you are able to have high quality protection without having to add extra bulk to your iPhone. This is a great benefit that very few protection products have. When you are able to provide your precious iPhone with ultimate protection, while still keeping it extremely portable and thin, than you have a great product, and you will find this within the invisibleSHIELD screen protector.